The exhibition "Awarded" focuses on presenting the three decades of ongoing activities of the Estonian Textile Artists Association. This creative association, which unites professional textile artists, was founded on February 15, 1993, and has actively brought together textile artists from different generations in Estonia. Currently, the Association has 103 members.

The purpose of the exhibition is to discuss the importance of ETAA in supporting local textile art. In addition to context-providing material, the exhibition also showcases the creative work of artists: it features works by nearly thirty authors who have successfully participated in international exhibitions, all created during the years of the association’s operation.

The anniversary exhibition also provides an opportunity to introduce the work of the ETAA board and recognize their (often voluntary) contributions to the development of local textile art. Coinciding with the founding of the association, the textile artists' newsletter "Koiliblikas" was first published and the Short Leg Gallery, created by the association, continues to operate to this day.

Exhibiting Artists: Anna Gerretz, Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grins, Mari Haavel, Eva Jakovits, Elna Kaasik, Mare Kelpman, Annika Kiidron, Krista Leesi, Helen Lehismets, Siiri Minka, Aet Ollisaar, Kadi Pajupuu, Erika Pedak, Katrin Pere, Marilyn Piirsalu, Tiina Puhkan, Ülle Raadik, Malle-Maria Sild, Zane Shumeiko, Ludmilla Swarczewskaja, Aune Taamal, Erika Tammpere, Riina Tomberg, Piret Valk, Kadri Viires


Fotod: Aet Ollisaar

Acknowledgments: Maasike Maasik, Peeter Kuutma, Katrin Pere, Erika and Taso Tammpere, Ene Pars, Kadi Pajupuu, Aune Taamal, Sigrid Huik, Hille Saluäär, Pärnu City Gallery, Estonian Institute, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Estonian Textile Artists Association, Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design.

Curators: Helen Adamson (ETDM), Triin Jerlei (EKA) Designers: OAAS Architects Graphic Design: Sandra Sirp